In Memory

William Scanlon

William Scanlon

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08/18/09 07:31 PM #1    

Erna Fox (Messenger)

Nice guys don't come any better. During the 40th Reunion I shared a table with Bill and his wife Sue. He was charming and kind as ever.

08/19/09 05:45 PM #2    

Detlef Vandermeer

Bill was my roomate at the 1965 DECA convention. We stayed at the Conrad Hilton Holtel in Chicago. That was SOME party we had. I'm sorry that I missed the last reunion and now he's gone way too soon. Carpe Diem, we may not get a second chance. Rest in Peace Bill, we will see you on the other side.

09/03/09 07:53 PM #3    

Bonnie Crampton (Tadder)

When we lost Bill I lost my best friend. I am so glad we spent time together at the last reunion. Friends like you only come around once in your life time and I am honored to say you were mine. Until we meet again. Thanks for the memories.

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