In Memory

Rose Allen (Taylor)

Rose Allen (Taylor)

Rose passed away on May 6, 2010.

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07/26/10 03:19 PM #3    

Lisa Taylor (Dougherty)

  Nancy Allen Diemer
05/30/10 07:08 PM
  Dear Lisa,
I was in home room with Rose all four years of high school and I think we were in a service club together also. I remember Rose fondly and always wondered where she was and what she was doing. I moved to Alaska after college and lost contact with old high school friends. My condolences to you on the loss of your mother. I recently lost my Mom at the age of 93. She lived at Carrington Place in St. Pete. and I was just down in Florida for her funeral. Regards, Nancy Allen Diemer Kodiak, AK.

07/26/10 03:20 PM #4    

Lisa Taylor (Dougherty)

  Lisa Taylor Dougherty
05/30/10 10:00 PM
  Thank you for sharing your memories Nancy! I know mother would have loved to have reconnected with you. She lived an awesome life and was a wonderful person!! She worked as an office manager for most of her life and retired due to disability in 2001. I was her only child and she was very active in all my activities. She was a loving and super mother and grandmother. She was married to my dad for 32 yrs., when they divorced, she never remarried. She became a BAMA girl in 1966 and lived in Alabama the rest of her life. She met my dad just 2 weeks after graduation from NEHI!! I miss her so much, but love hearing from her old friends. Thank you for your condolences and sweet words, it made my day!
Lisa Dougherty-Dora, AL

07/26/10 03:25 PM #5    

Lisa Taylor (Dougherty)

    Earl "Bill" Powers
07/09/10 10:14 PM
  Dear Lisa,
I grew up with both your mom and Russell Dillow. We attended elementary, junior high, and high school together. Both were great people. I am truly sorry to hear of your mom's passing. I'm sure she was as wonderful after school as she was when we were growing up. All the best to you!!
Bill Powers.

07/26/10 03:26 PM #6    

Lisa Taylor (Dougherty)

  Lisa Taylor Dougherty
07/12/10 11:37 AM
  Thank you Bill for those kind words...I love hearing from her classmates and friends. She was always the life of the party and a total giver! She was an awesome lady!! She and Russell had been in touch via phone and email for the last couple of years and then he passed away in March 2010. She was my best friend, being only 20 yrs apart; we were like sisters. I miss her dearly, but am so thankful to hear these special stories about her. Thank you again!!
Lisa Dougherty

11/15/10 06:24 PM #7    

Lisa Taylor (Dougherty)

  Lisa Taylor Dougherty
11/15/10 04:47 PM
  I just happened to be scanning the profiles and noticed that you worked at General Telephone after graduation, and wondered if you knew my mother, Rose Marie Allen? She also worked at GT after graduation. She passed away in May of 2010 and I continue to look for memories of her from friends and such.
Thanks, Lisa
    Shirley Grimm Vickers
11/15/10 06:12 PM
  Hi Lisa,

Yes, I do remember your mother, but I'm afraid after 45 years my high school memories have faded quite a bit. I believe we had a few classes together. I don't remember your Mother from General Telephone. I worked in Information and it's possible that she was an LD Operator. I do remember your mother as always kind and smiling. I was shocked and saddened to hear of her passing, as well as that of many of my other classmates.

As close as you and your Mother were, I can only imagine the pain that you must be feeling. I know it is of little comfort, but it is true that your pain will begin to fade with time. You are so fortunate to have had such a wonderful, close relationship with your mother and all of those terrific memories to cherish and hold on to. Not everyone is that lucky in life. From the way you describe your relationship, you and your mother had more love and joy in the short amount of time you had together than many do in an entire lifetime. That is truly a blessing. I'm sure your Mother is still close by and you can feel her watching over you. I wish there was something more I could do or say to help ease your pain. May God bless you.

Sincerely, Shirley
  Lisa Taylor Dougherty
11/15/10 06:19 PM
  Hey Shirley,
Believe me, what you've said has warmed my heart today and I thank you for your kind words. And yes, she was an LD Operator for about a year, until I was born in 1966. Everything you've said is true and I am so blessed. Thank you for taking the time to share with me and comfort me. I hope to post some pictures of she and I, when I get a chance.
Blessings, Lisa

11/15/10 06:36 PM #8    

Lisa Taylor (Dougherty)

To see more pictures of my mother, Rose Marie Allen; visit my Guest profile, Lisa Taylor Dougherty. Thank you!

08/25/11 02:54 PM #9    

Lisa Taylor (Dougherty)

  Christine Hollingsworth Dietrich
08/24/11 10:32 PM
  Thank you for posting these pictures.
  Lisa Taylor Dougherty
08/25/11 01:39 PM
  You're welcome! I'm going to try to post more soon, but I noticed that your on facebook. I have a memorial page for my mother (Rose Marie Allen Taylor) on there. It's listed as: "In Loving Memory of Rose Marie Taylor"...I have a lot of pix on there. And I'm listed as: Lisa Taylor Dougherty
Have a great day!

08/25/11 02:55 PM #10    

Lisa Taylor (Dougherty)

  Pamela Peters
05/27/11 06:59 PM
  Your mom and I were in classes together off and on from 10th grade when I enrolled at NEHI. Every day I would see her in passing in the ladies' room or locker area. She was such a pretty girl, I was always aware of how big eye eyes were and how long those lashes were. She was mostly perky and had positvie things to say to cheer me up when I was blue. I wish I knew about this website earlier. I came home in '82 and would have enjoyed her friendship. I am so sorry for your loss.
  Lisa Taylor Dougherty
08/25/11 01:44 PM
  Thank you Pamela for those wonderful comments and memories. She remained that same sweet person her whole life. She was a great mother and grandmother and everyone in the community knew and loved her. She passed those beautiful eyelashes on to her 3 grandchildren! If you're on facebook, I have a memorial page for's listed as: "In Loving Memory of Rose Marie Taylor". I have a lot of memories and pictures on there.
Thank you, Lisa

08/25/11 02:56 PM #11    

Lisa Taylor (Dougherty)

  Barbara Thorpe Gilbert
11/15/10 10:07 PM
  Those pictures are just the way I remember Rose.
  Lisa Taylor Dougherty
08/25/11 01:45 PM
  Thanks Barbara!! She was a lovely girl and lady!

08/25/11 02:57 PM #12    

Lisa Taylor (Dougherty)

To see more pix of my mother, Rose Marie Allen, visit my guest profile, Lisa Taylor Dougherty!

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