EDGAR, Timothy E. 63, passed away peacefully Friday, Jan. 14, 2011, in his home in Pinellas Park. He is pre-deceased by a son, Timothy "Chad;" survived by his wife of 40 years, Toni; sons, Shane and Shilo; daughter, Chelsey (Tomas'); two precious granddaughters, Emersen and Chaisen; his mother, Margaret; two sisters; a brother and many nieces & nephews. Tim served proudly in the U.S. Marine Corp and was a veteran of the Vietnam War. He retired from GTE/Verizon and was a telecommunications technician at PSCU Financial Services, where he will be missed by many friends and co-workers.
Frank Walters Clark
Tim and I grew up in the same neighborhood and went to the same schools, grade school to high school. He was a regular guy, always had a twinkle in his eye, and laughed easily, even at some of the stupid antics we pulled on and off campus. The world is a lesser place for his passing.
Ronald Fannin
Tim and I were among a group of elite people who got to be in the same homeroom through junior high and high school. He had a special sense of humor and made that short period of the day a terrific starting off place for the rest of our time at school. He will be sorely missed by everyone who had the pleasure of knowing him.