Paul's sister, Meg, (Margaret Mitchem, Class of '66) writes:
With a broken heart, I am reporting the passing of Paul Mitchem at his Richmond, VA home on August 3, 2018. His death was totally unexpected and ruled of natural causes while he slept. Paul was older brother to Allen Mitchem and me. We will forever miss him with his thirst for knowledge, insights and quirky humor. Please join our prayers in sending his spirit on its way. (If you slip in a BIOYA or 2, Paul would like that.)
Paul's closing message in emails is appropriate as a farewell message to all of us: "Be well, be kind, be hopeful."
Stephen Hansel
Sad news...I remember Paul fondly...one of the really good guys! May his memory be eternal!
Roberta Mueller (Pressler)
Oh so sad to hear about Paul. He was a great guy. We had several classes together over our high school years
Sharron Hemberger (Mineo)
I am so saddened to hear about Paul. He was always so kind! Peace and prayers for his family and friends!!
Thomas Waugh
Rest in peace my viking brother. You will be missed but it is comforting to know that there are some of us on that happy golden shore. GOD BLess
Barbara Metcalf (Bartlett)
So sorry to learn of Paul's death. I have fond memories of him. My codolences to his family
Barbara Bartlett
Kathleen Cook (Reddy)
Sad and shocking news. Paul was a neighbor and a good friend. I thought of him just three weeks ago as we were passing through Richmond. My thoughts are with Margaret and all of the rest of Paul's family.
Jill Azarenok (Marie)
Rats. but what a way to go....he was always a smoooooooooooooth cool kat!