Spero Moche, Jr., 74, passed away peacefully at this home in Floyd, VA, Friday, December 4, 2020. He was preceded in death by his parents, Vije and Spero Moche; his brothers, Michael Moche and Theodore Moche; and his nephews, Justin Spiers and Marcus Moche. He is survived by his wife of 39 years, Joanne Spiers Moche; by his nephew, Theodore Stanley Moche; and by his sisters-in-law; brothers-in-law; nieces and nephews in Florida and Hawaii. Moche was a retired merchant mariner. As a member of the Seafarers International Union and American Maritime Officers, he sailed across 11 bodies of water and docked at ports on five continents. He received a US Merchant Marine Expeditionary Award and medals for mariner support services to the American military in Vietnam and to the American and International Coalition Military Forces in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm in the waters of Southwest Asia. Most of all, he was a loving, devoted husband who filled his wife's life with joy. He was well loved by so many people whose lives he touched. He will be greatly missed, yet remembered with smiles.
Arrangements are being handled by Mullins Funeral Home, Radford, VA. The family will plan a private memorial celebration in the Spring. In lieu of flowers, please make a donation to Moche's most devoted cause, your local food bank.
Ann van de Steeg
My heartfelt condolences go out to Joann and all who loved and knew Moche! He will be sorely missed! Sending loving thoughts and prayers. Ann v
Judy Roman (Calderon)
Oh no! Dear, sweet Moche! How sad! I remember him as being the funniest and the sweetest guy ever! We even sang a song about him "Spero in the tree top". My condolences to his family and to all those who loved him. Too soon, too sudden, but such a peaceful way to transition. I will pray for the repose of his soul. -
Judy Roman Calderon
Colleen Ryan (Kettrick)
Oh no. Moche and I bantered back and forth via email as recently as Thanksgiving. A longtime neighbor and friend. I do not have his address should anyone be in contact with Joann please give her my saddest sympathies Moche was funny ,kind and sarcastic. He was so supportive when my husband died. I'd like to be the same for Joanne. He loved her so.
Earle Decker
Moche!!!!! Dave Mooney and I used to laugh so much with him. He was a character. My heartfelt condolences to his family.
Barbara Metcalf (Bartlett)
Am so sorry to learn about Spero. We were in homeroom together for all three years at Northeast. I remember him as always full of fun and laughter. My condolences to the family. Barbara Metcalf Bartlett
Bill Duckwall
Not sure if there was anyone in our class friendlier than Spero. A joyful person. Rest in peace.Jill Azarenok (Marie)
Oh, I remember those dark mischevious eyes prowlng the halls in a trench coat with Curtis Cook and Frenchy. Making me smmmmmmmmmmmile.
Thomas Waugh
Rest In Peace little Brother we won't forget you. Blessings and prayers to the family and to all of us that knew the loved "the Mooch."
Earl W. {Bill} Powers
Ahh, Moche. I can't think of you without getting a big ole smile on my face. You were always one of the best humored, funniest guys I knew. God bless your family and may you rest in peace.
Jill Azarenok (Marie)
Boy howdy....that is the trooth. And he alsways seemed to lookout for this wild child....