Liz would like to let you know that her work here is done. She received a call March 13, 2018, one she could not refuse. Her new assignment comes with a bonus as she will be reuniting with her beloved sister, Linda Malogrides, her dear mother, Ruth Williams, and "Grams", a tiny little lady known for always wearing white gloves no matter the heat of the day. Born in Champaign, Illinois, Liz attended summer camp at Lake Towanda where she honed her skills at chain-smoking and infectious laughter. On this final journey she takes with her a heart of gold and a pocketful of giggles. She began her real estate career in 1976 as a legendary sales agent at Casablanca Condominiums in St. Petersburg. Along with her business partner and close friend, Barbara Seidenstein, she was a principal in Creative Life Styles, a real estate brokerage company located on Beach Drive. Throughout her long career in real estate, Liz touched many lives through her caring and thoughtful ways. Her purpose was always to find the best possible homes for her clients, the amount of commission was never her motivation. Liz loved living on St. Pete Beach, and for 15 years she would meet her friend, Dee Coates, for 6 am strolls from Harry's Beach Bar to the Don CeSar Hotel. She was in awe of the splendor of God's wonder with the tide, the beach and the birds. Liz also enjoyed the mountains and delighted in spending many months of each year in her home in Highlands, NC. During her lifetime she owned many pets but her most beloved was Mike, a darling Lhaso Apso, who is going to be the first to welcome her through heaven's gate. One of the most grateful people to have walked this earth, trying to capture Liz Wallace in the written word is like trying to catch a sunbeam in a jar. She will be greatly missed by all who loved her dearly. Peace dear friend! Our loss is God's joy.
Liz was born to the late Jack Yates Williams and the late Ruth Margaret Willams. She is survived by Tom Young; her brother, James Williams (Cindy); and her many nieces and nephews. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Alzheimer's Association, 225 N. Michigan Avenue, 17th Floor, Chicago, Illinois 60601-7633
Linda Robbins (Nousiainen)
I have so many good memories of Elizabeth because we grew up in the same neighborhood and spent many days playing together. We jumped on the beds at her house and made up dances to the popular music of the day. I remember “Standing on the Corner” was our favorite. We lived on Snell Isle, played on the beaches before houses were built there west of Eden Isle Blvd. Her’s was one of the first built. It was ultramodern. I regret I lost touch when she moved away from that house. I had no idea she was still in St. Pete. Missed a lot of good times we could have had.
Merrily Wilson (Davis)
I remember "playdates" with Liz too. I loved going over to her house. Her Baby sister Linda would be in her crib and Jimmy would love to tease us.
She was a beautiful person inside and out. When living in the burg I would run into her on occasion. I still think of her on occasion.
RIP beautiful soul!
Suzanne Smithson (Hartline)
I could never call her "Liz" ... She was always Elizabeth to me and Libby Ann to her mother. We kept in touch with Christmas cards and I would ALWAYS send her a birthday card for her April 20th birthday. Our cards were ALWAYS signed .... "Your best friend from the 4th grade." (And we were ) I didn't know for sure why I had not gotten a Christmas card for a few years... Just figured she was busy traveling the world or something similar. We got in trouble together ... We laughed and cried together. I can't remember how many years it had been since we had seen each other ... But ...we picked up right where we left off ... She fixed dinner at the blind pass condo. What stories we remembered !!! Then she moved to old northeast .... Then to Hedden Ln in Highlands .... Then.... ??? What a special person in my life.... I am saddened and I will miss you.
Thank you, Elizabeth for being my friend ....