St. Petersburg Times (FL) - May 10, 1997
ROBINSON, THELMA CRANE, 86, of Fitchburg, Mass., formerly of St. Pete Beach, died Wednesday (May 7, 1997) at the Highlands Nursing Home, Fitchburg. Born in Endicott, Mass., she came to St. Pete Beach 50 years ago and moved to Fitchburg about two years ago. She was a member of Pass-a-Grille Community Church and for more than 20 years taught advanced English at Northeast High School. A member of Delta Kappa Gamma Honorary Teachers Society, she was a graduate of Elmira (N.Y.) College and received her master's degree from Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. Survivors include a daughter, Marie Bond, Leominster, Mass.; a son, James, San Francisco; a sister, Doris Gerrish, St. Pete Beach; a brother, Gerald Crane, Vestal, N.Y.; four grandchildren; and a great-granddaughter. Auduchon Moorcroft Funeral Home, Fitchburg, Mass.
St. Petersburg Times (FL)
Date: May 10, 1997
Page: 13B
Record Number: 208
Copyright (c) 1997 St. Petersburg Times
Jill Azarenok (Marie)
I know I made her crazzzy especially when I told her that my term paper topic was alcoholism in the time of Dickens. Turns out I was right! Always hoped that I might grow up (period)...grow up to be as graceful and gracious as Ms. Robinson.
Stephen Hansel
Mrs. Robinson was my all-time favorite teacher in high school. Only in part because she helped me earn most of the tuition for my first year of college.
Miss Muse had kicked me out of Honors English because of my attitude. Mrs. Robinson brought me back to Honors English so I would have to write two papers for essay contests. One was for the Civitan Club and the other for the Elks Club, and both had cash prizes.
I concluded that if I had to write them, I should try to win, and won enough for a year's tuition between them.
I've always been grateful to Mrs. Robinson for getting me off my @$$ and giving me that challenge and opportunity. I thanked her in person years later, and, Jill--you're right! She was the epitome of a gracious lady.
Jill Azarenok (Marie)
What a WONDERFUL memory. Thanks for the story. As for Mizz Muse....she inspired the Society of The Buzzard!
Judith Musfeldt (Frohreich)
Mrs. Robinson captured my respect and appreciation as well. I still can remember getting my term paper back and I think Stephen sat behind me and we both got "A's " and were thrilled. In her comments she noted that I was more memorable when I stuck to my area which was art. Never forgot that or her knowing smile. I had some excellent teachers at NHS and realized that even more when I became a teacher. Thanks Thelma!
Judith Musfeldt (Frohreich)
Clarification on my comment. Stephen received a high A..I was thrilled with an A- because Mrs. Robinson's standards were high!
Catherine Bond (Mitchell)
Why is this news?
Jill Azarenok (Marie)
We are just waxing philosophical and taking a moment to remember Ms. Robinson who touched our lives so gracefully.