St. Petersburg Times (FL) - February 10, 1998
Deceased Name: ZACHARY, J.T. JR. ""TOM
ZACHARY, J.T. JR. ""TOM,'' 64, of Roswell, Ga., formerly of St. Petersburg, died Friday (Feb. 6, 1998) in San Diego. He was born in Graham, N.C., and came to St. Petersburg in 1960 and moved to Roswell in 1989. He was a former principal of Northeast High School, and Disston and Seminole middle schools; and a former assistant principal at Tyrone Middle School. He also worked in guidance and was a dean of boys. He coached the 1962 Northeast High baseball team to the State AA championship. He was a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He was a member of the Roswell Rotary and the Georgia and national associations of secondary school principals. Survivors include his wife, Lynda Parnell; two daughters, Teri Hernandez, Alpharetta, Ga., and Jan Noyes, St. Petersburg; a sister, Sally Z. Harper, Alexandria, Va.; and four grandchildren. Roswell Funeral Home, Roswell, Ga. Treasure Island
St. Petersburg Times (FL)
Date: February 10, 1998
Page: 3; 3; 3; 6; 7B
Record Number: 041
Copyright (c) 1998 St. Petersburg Times
George Peters
Coach Zachary had some subtle influences when coaching baseball or study hall. Be patient but earnest in any endeavor. When chewing tobacco, make sure you have a place to spit. This last lesson was not learned until after Rex's Americanism vs Communism class.Never chewed again!
William Hanley
The best coach I ever had in my short athletic career. He was interested in the personal side of the student and knew how to motivate. If he or Coach Gunnin had been the head football coach I would have been pleased. He knew sports and related to his athletes (His dad pitched the 60th HR to Babe Ruth). In the mid eighties I used to run into him at dinner at Harvey's restaurant and he was gracious and remembered his players well. What a good man.