Ron passed away on March 18, 2019 of a heart attack. He was an Air Force veteran and is survived by his son, Ron Jr., daughter Cynthia Cafmeyer and several grandchildren. He was buried at the National Cemetery at Bay Pines along with his wife Patty, who preceded him in death.
He was a great guy and a great friend and he will be sorely missed by all who knew him.
Peter Sterghos
I never knew Ron well at Northeast, but got to know him while at SPJC. He was a part of a group that would hang out in the "SUB" between classes and at lunch. He was a quiet guy, but truly friendly and enjoyed talking and joking with the group. My sympathies to his family and friends, May he rest in peace.
Jill Azarenok (Marie)
GO AIRFORCE,,,,to infinity and beyond! I remember his face for sure.
Robert Hoyt
Ron and I first met at NEHI, and we were buddies from then on. When I got stationed at Ft. Riley, KS, Ron was already at an Air Force base in Wichita, so I flew in there, spent the day with him and his wife, Patti, and he drove me up to Riley. After the military, he often came over to my place to hang out with my wife and me and brought his precocious little girl Cindy along, at our request because she was a hoot!
And on through the years, we kept in touch and visited when we could. In fact, the last time I was in St. Pete a couple of years ago, I stayed with him at his condo for 2-3 weeks. And as anticipated, without a bit of friction--no small feat around me--largely, I believe, because Ron was THE most serene, Type-B, laid-back dude I've ever known. I always marvelled at, and greatly envied, his ability to let stuff just blow by him, or if he took a hit, maybe stagger a bit, but in the end, let it just roll off his back. Wow!
I'm gonna miss him forever.
(And, BTW, Pete: My guess as to why you didn't know Ron well at in high school was that he was such a quiet, unassuming guy that you could be in the same class, sitting nearby, and never meet him. And then at JC, why you do recall him clearly, was that Ron hardly ever left our group in the SUB. He told me a few years later that that he had gone to a couple of classes at the beginning of freshman year, never had liked going to school, and so that was it for class time. He just quit going and drove over to JC every day simply to hang out with the group at the SUB...up until the draft board got wind of it, and we saw him there no more because that's when Ron joined the Air Force. 😳)
Happy Trails, Ron--you earned 'em, ol' pal.