St. Petersburg Times (FL) - September 25, 1997
MUSGRAVE, REX BRITTON, 59, of St. Petersburg, died Wednesday (Sept. 24, 1997) at home. Born in Quincy, Mass., he came here in 1964 from Hyannis, Mass. He retired in January 1997 as assistant principal at Lakewood High School and was a former teacher, counselor and dean of students at Northeast High School and a former assistant principal at Boca Ciega High School. He was a Marine Corps veteran and a Protestant. Survivors include his wife, Judith; three sons, David, Watertown, N.Y., Edward, S t. Petersburg, and Andrew, Madeira Beach; a daughter, Emily Musgrave, St. Petersburg; and a grandson. Lewis W. Mohn Funeral Home, Seminole.
St. Petersburg Times (FL)
Date: September 25, 1997
Page: 5; 5; 7; 7; 7B
Record Number: 023
Copyright (c) 1997 St. Petersburg Times
Earle Decker
I remember sitting in Mr. Musgrave's class..Civics? Political Science?..something like that and being struck by thinking he was a pretty cool guy. He would talk to the class about the basics that schools don't seem to teach now. Things like respect of others, self responsibility, dignity. And he talked to us about all these things with humor and respect for us.And I still recall him telling us about the Russian Revolution in 1917 and how Lenin was married to Natasha Krupskya. What an insignificant tidbit, but it's stayed with me all these years.
Jerry Conner
Mr. Musgrave was one of the most memorable teachers I had in high school. He convinced me to run for Student Council President (where I was beaten convincingly by Vic Daniels). Mr. Musgrave looked at me after the election and said, "Doesn't matter if you didn't win, you tried and that's what counts!!" I will never forget that. He was a role model to me that many remember and most admire. And I bet many of us still smile when we think of this gentlemen, he made us all laugh and we learned a lot about civics and life.Michael Morcillo
Who could forget the big 2x4 he would slam on the desk to get attention.He threw me out of my final exam because I wasn't wearing socks. Uncle Merle got me back into class.
He was passionate about what he taught and made a lasting impression on me.
Karen Delaney (Seely)
One of the best teachers I ever had, even made history interesting to me. The 2x4 on the desk is a memory that has stayed with me and always brings a smile. The day Kennedy was shot we were in Mr. Musgrave's class when the news came, he showed poise and strength when talking to us and it helped with the shock. He remains part of my life and is a critical part of my " Where were you the day......" remembrances. A true educator.Elizabeth Tate (Detschermitsch)
I think I could sum it up, he was the best teacher. He cared about his students. He made Americanism Versus Communisim interesting.Ron Tiede
The very, very, best...Mr. Musgrave and I spent some time together while he was getting his Masters at USF. He was still the same guy.. What a riot... God BlessChristine Hollingsworth (Dietrich)
He was the best teacher I ever had. Before he passed away, he sent me all his lecture notes from our Americanism vs. Communism class. Before that I used to teach my Communism unit from my notebook from his class. I'm so glad he came to our reunion...30th I think. I know he was touched by the standing ovation we gave him. He was a wonderful and inspiring person.
Camille Grandon (Valladares)
I remember Mr. Musgrave, he made us eat caviar and borscht. I was in his class the day President Kennedy was assinated, the day the world stood stil and the class got so quiet. I can't remember his aide's name...but most all of us cried or at least had tears, including Mr. Musgrave. So sorry to hear he is gone.